WebInterViewer is a web-based version of InterViewer.
WebInterViewer efficiently produces a molecular interaction network of
good quality without computing force between every pair of nodes.
WebInterViewer improves on InterViewer in many ways:
(1) |
while InterViewer produces a drawing by computing force
between every pair of nodes in each iteration of the
optimization process, WebInterViewer produces a more pleasant
drawing without computing force between every pair of nodes,
(2) |
WebInterViewer provides several abstraction operations to reduce complex networks into simpler ones,
(3) |
multiple molecular interaction networks can be compared for
common moleculars and their interactions shared by all or part
of the networks, and
(4) |
WebInterViewer is more convenient to use since it is a
web-based application program.
There are three implementations of WebInterViewer: Pure OCX
version, OCX version, and Java version. The OCX versions are
executable within a web browser on any PC with Windows system. The
Java version (called InterViewer_Java) is executable within a web
browser on any system, but slower than the OCX versions.
InterViewer_Java is executed by Java Web Start, which ensures
latest version of WebInterViewer as well as the correct
version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) be deployed depending
on a user¡¯s system.
WebInterViewer takes as input interaction data in several
formats: - Data from Microsoft Access database. - Data on
molecular, domain, and function in XML format. - GML: Graph
Modelling Language format. - pnm: a pair of interacting molecular
names, separated by space or tab, in each line. - pid: a pair of
interacting molecular indices, separated by tab, in each line. -
pid_label: a pair of molecular index and its name, separated by tab,
in each line. - pid_pos: an ordered list of molecular index and
its position (x, y, and z coordinates), separated by tab, in each
line. - Data in xin format from DIP
Data files in
pid_label or pid_pos format are automatically read if they already
exist when the user opens a file in pid format. Please see the
examples and download sections for the format of the above input
data format.